Reduce Your AWS Costs

Use AWS services more efficiently to reduce your monthly bill

We've Delivered solutions for...

It's Too Expensive and Growing

Cloud bills can spiral out of control quickly. Worse, often it is difficult to find the cause. Instead of reinvesting and growing your business, you are hindered by sky-high cloud costs.

We will ensure that as your business grows, your cloud costs don't.

How we can help

We help you reduce costs and keep them down by providing you with tools and our expertise. This ensures that your business does not have any external dependencies. We provide you with insights into the areas where you can reduce costs, along with the knowledge and processes of how we identify and address problems quickly and efficiently

Right Sizing

We regularly see customer cloud bills drop by over 25% by decreasing the number of services with over provisioned resources.

Incorporate Cost into SLDR

There is often a disconnect between software development and the cost of running the service. This is one of the main reasons for spiralling cloud bills.

How we will help


Collect Data

Collect data on the areas we have identified that will bring the most benefit with the least amount of effort.

For right-sizing, we collect metrics for what the resources the services.

For incorporating cost, we talk to the developers and find any knowledge gaps we need to fill and tailor a plan specific for your team on how to incorporate cost into the software development lifecycle.


Planned Actions

Plan actions for you to take and explain to you the thoughts behind it and what benefits will be. The actions will be aligned with your goals and will ensure that you are set up for success.


Set Up for Success

We can help you by guiding your during the implementation of the action plan. This will make sure your team has no external dependencies.

If you would rather let your developers focus on what they are good at, building features, we can also completely take it off your hands implement the plan for you.

Bespoke to You

Cost Reduction Experts

Keep Costs Low

100% Satisfaction

Ready to Lower your Cost ?